QUESTION: Sheila, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my email. As usual, very informative and I'm beginning to feel the difference . . . rather, the effects of my crystals (i.e., "turning negative feelings to positive, etc.") and it's quite amazing.
I used to consult with Feng Shui Masters and was told that I have a "3rd eye." I was encouraged to practice guided meditation but I've always been afraid that I might lose myself "in between." There are so many things I still don't understand but yes, I'm always willing to learn more . . . the good things.
Yes, I recently joined your social network and too bad I didn't get a chance to join you last week for the session in Placentia. Since it's quite a distance from where I live, I was afraid to drive alone especially when I'm not familiar with the area. But don't worry, I will try next time. My aventurine wand has been soaking in brown rice for two days now. You mentioned that I can use it on my chakras (on my heart lying down). I thought it's not advisable to heal yourself. Am I supposed to feel something? Is it safe to do it even when I'm alone? I know you're very busy but would you be so kind to guide me on this? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much and I'm so happy that I met you!
ANSWER: I am happy to hear that you are appreciating the positive aspects of your crystals, allowing them to turn negative to something good!
You are correct, everyone has a "3rd eye". This is located at our foreheads in between our physical eyes. The third eye is where our mental energy lies. It's where we receive ideas and implement them. It is also where the energy lies of our psychic powers (and YES, we all have psychic powers, it's just a question fo how developed they are!) and connection to all of our senses (including our 6th sense - intuition). When the time is right for you, will be begin to understand that you can never get "lost" in meditation. In essence this would mean you are losing yourself to yourself. Perhaps this conundrum is solved by the path of enlightenment, for you can only find yourself when you let go of all your fears, doubts and control...
Knowing you are not yet ready for mind work, this is a great time for you to start working with crystals. Crystals are a physical form of positive energy, easier to work with and comprehend than the mere power of our minds. Essentially, crystals are amplifying our own energies and aiding us in self-healing, which takes me to your next answer: You are the only one who can heal yourself. You may have read that it is not advisable to use a generator wand to open your own chakras, but this is only in the case of generator wands and only when you are using it to open the chakra energies in a specific crystal healing manner. This does NOT mean that you should not use crystals to heal yourself. On the contrary, when you are being "healed" by a healer, they are only guiding you to heal yourself.
Everything we do we can not do without our own intentions. If you are in a certain state of mind, no one will be able to change you but yourself. If you are centered and balanced, no one can put doubt in your mind, no matter how hard they try.
Am I supposed to feel something? The answer is that there is no answer here. Some people feel much stronger than others because they are much more sensitive and open to energies than others who have shut themselves off to the magic of the universe at an early age. The important thing is that don't stop just because you don't feel anything. Crystals are working on your energy level and may not get to your physical body for sensations right away! Just like you can't SEE the energy around you, you may not yet be able to FEEL them.
On the other hand, many people do feel something. Some people will feel a tingling sensation, heat, pressure, emotions rising, some people cry, some people let go....You may feel off-centered for a few days while your bio-chemistry is shifting back to a positive state. The most important thing is that KNOW you are working with a positive energy and be grateful for its presence.
Working with crystals when you are alone is the best time. It is like meditating, you don't need any distractions. Allow yourself to focus on whatever you have programmed the crystal to do.
If you have further questions, feel free to email me again! I enjoy helping you with your crystal related questions! As for driving to Placentia for the classes or the weekly Thursday healing circle, perhaps you can make a note that you want to come and if someone is coming from your area you can carpool!