Monday, August 4, 2008


After 30 days of practicing the crystal money multiplier, my old thought patterns about money are crumbling.

Financial aspects of life has been my one stressball since hitting adulthood, but with the help of abundance crystals, power of affirmations and spending time to reflect on the issue, I have found the comfort in knowing that lack is self-created.

You must spend to receive. Don't be afraid to give. Allow the abundance to flow. There is no happiness without healthy circulation. Monitor your thoughts and turn the negative into positive. The rich think undoubtably rich.

Growing up, my dad loved using the phrase "the money is coming," as he went from one new venture to another. Now, we have altered the phrase to "the money is here."
30 days later, summer is in full swing, heading high speed towards my much-anticipated 30th birthday. I am now signed up with a wonderful holistic PR firm, have refreshed my motivation to keep up the online listings, seeing significant growth in memberships on our social network , creating more original crystal pieces than ever. The the vision of my mansion is becoming clearer and clearer.
I have ingrained into my thoughts and my being that I am Abundance!

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