Thursday, August 7, 2008

CRYSTALS: Sore Throat

I have had this annoying cough all week. And as things go, sometimes I don't actively pursue a healing regimen, figuring my body will take care of curing itself and being generally distracted by other pursuits.

Finally, last night, my throat became sore, so I picked up and programmed a raw Quartz point to heal my sore throat. I held the faceted point towards my throat and allowed the energy of the Master Healer crystal to do its work.

Quartz is a great crystal in correcting the source of misalignment in our auras. I could actually feel a rush of energy flowing from the crystal to my throat. I may have imagined it, but this is where you must always start, TRUST in what you're feeling.

After five minutes of holding this crystal in place, I put it back down, not expecting to feel anything. Gradually a warm, tingly sensation developed and swirled in my throat. I felt like I had just taken a cough drop, the way the chemeicals feels when they are curing a sore throat. I was mildly amazed of the similarity of Quartz to a Cough Drop.
This sensation lasted a good few minutes, and I knew that I was on the road to returning to a perfectly balanced Throat Chakra.

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