Friday, August 1, 2008

CRYSTALS: Chaos & Clutter

When your mind is unfocused, drowning in the chaos of every day life, allow the structural energies of a pyramid to clear your mind. Quartz pyramids are especially great to clarify your mind. Fluorite pyramids help you to focus on what is important.

1. After cleaning, charging and programming either one for focus, place them on your desk.

2. Make a list of priorities - the things that are important to you in this life at this particular time.

3. Keep it short, below 10 main priority points.

4. Once you have your list, try to strengthen each one of these items. For example, if "best friends" are on your list, focus on the best friends that are in your life now. Think of ways you can strengthen your bonds. Don't worry about reaching out to new friends. Clear your address book of mere acquaintances.

Simple feng shui tells us to clear the clutter in our physical surroundings and to clear the clutter of our minds. Allow natural crystal pyramids to aid you in this simple philosophy that can get so complicated when our minds are in chaos.

1 comment:

Mark Andres said...


First of all, I love your articles.

Does anyone else see the "eye" in the quartz pyramid? I do.

Life is Good,
