Monday, August 25, 2008

CRYSTALS: Tooth Pain

QUESTION: Hi Sheila,Can you suggest me crystals to reduce pain from tooth decay? Thank you for your help! :)
ANSWER: Hi, I would definitely use Aquamarine. I used this crystal actually when i was in India doing the hypnotherapy courses and had a severe tooth aches for several days due to wisdom teeth growing in. It helped me greatly. I would just press the Aquamarine slab crystal on the area of the pain (over my mouth) or I made gem elixirs to drink it. In your case, gem elixirs and also wearing the crystal in this area would be helpful.

To make a gem elixir, clean, charge and program your crystal for what you want it to do. Then, leave the crystal in the water for a few hours either in the sunlight or moonlight. Remove the crystal and drink the water, remembering what you programmed it for.

Additionally, you can use the same crystal and place it under your pillow when sleeping at night.

Let me know how it goes and if you need some more advice! This was a great pain saver during my tooth problems, but there are also other crystals people use if it turns out that Aquamarine is not for you!

Your friend,
Sheila :)

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