Tina Lam
Occupation: Radiologist
Location: Hong Kong
Five things that make you the happiest:1. To be alive and able to work
2. Enjoy the company of my family
3. Reading a good book
4. Go to my favorite beach, swim or collect sea glass
5. Discover and visit new places
What are your views on energy healing?
I believe our destiny depends on what we think of it. Self fulfilling prophecy works both way. I believe thinking positively and filling oneself with positive energy will drive away bad luck and attract good fortune. I believe no one are born to be malicious or bad. They might just had bad experiences and coping negatively. Life itself is not perfect, but we could make it better by lingering on the good times and leaving the worse behind. Always look forward to the present and ahead, because that is where reality is. I believe the purpose of bad experiences is not to make us suffer.
That is what I realized while collecting sea glass. A sharp piece of broken glass is shaped by the gentle and persistent forces of nature into a rounded frosted gem. Everyone come into the world as a sharp glass shard, shaped by our unique experiences into gems. If only we are polished, we would not be who we are today. Nobody guaranteed that the process of polishing would not be painless!
How do you call abundance into your life? I would remind myself to take life's problems one at a time. I would try to give and share my good fortune with the needy. I would pray for my love ones. However busy I might be, I would set aside some time for myself everyday. 10 mins or 30 mins, I would read a book, go over old photographs, or draw a picture. To calm down from the rat-race and remember who I am!
What is your favorite crystal? Amethyst. It's pleasant [purple] color calms me.
What is one crystal or energy healing experience you would like to share with the world? Well, I do feel clearer in mind if I'm wearing Amethyst. But if you count sea glass or sea shells, I do have one very unique experience. 8 years ago in July, when my youngest daughter is just a baby, my supervisor asked me to attend 2 months fellowship training in a hospital in San Francisco, far far away from my home in Hong Kong. I missed my family very
much and had a hidden fear that something might happen to me that I might never see them anymore. One day, loving the beach and ocean as I am, I went to the Ocean Beach looking for sea glass and shells. I saw broken sand dollars all over the shore. Since we never had any sand dollars in Hong Kong, I wanted to bring one home to show my kids. I looked and looked but I could not find one that was not broken. Since it was getting dark, I decided to leave. But my legs carried me towards a sandy bluff instead of the road. I huffed and puffed to the top of the sandy bluff and there, half burried in the sand, was a whole sand dollar.
I thanked God because through this experience, He said to me: 'Do not fear, I am watching over you all the time. I know what you are looking for and I will give it to you.'
How do you define success? Success is being able to contribute to society. Ever little gesture counts.
Three things that you would like to manifest in your life right now:
1. To inspire people around me to think positively.
2. To care for my patients and comfort them not just as a doctor, but as one who has survived cancer
3. To share my passion and philosophy inspired by sea glass through my website and etsy store
What types of people do you want to attract into your life (this is so those who like your interview can contact you if they fit your description)? Anyone who appreciate my attitude and is inspired. Anyone who would like to share their thoughts of fighting cancer or of supernatural encounters.
**If you would like others to contact you, leave your email and any other of your sites you'd like to promote:
e-mail: tinapwlam@yahoo.com
blog: http://ecstasea-at-etsy.blogspot.com/
website: http://ecstaseaglass.googlepages.com/
If YOU are a happy shiny person who believes in energy healing, has some crystal experiences to relate and wants to be interviewed, please email sheilasatin@gmail.com
Thank you, Tina! You are a very inspirational person!
I Dig Crystals "Happy People Interviews"
Promoting shiny, happy people who believe in their own abundance