Tuesday, June 24, 2008

how to use selenite wands

Question: Could you give me some pointers about working with this aura wand? It is beautiful!

Thanks for your question! Here are some ways to use the selenite wand:
  • Have someone scan your aura for you. Sweep the Selenite wand about 6" away from your physical body, up and down, front and back at least 3 times. This will seal your aura and protect you from any negativity that tries to get in.

  • Hold it in your hands during meditation to help you connect with the angelic realm and higher dimensions.

  • Keep it under the pillow while sleeping to help you connect with your spirit guides and angles. But be careful, because Selenite is a form of Gypsum, a soft crystal that can break easily.

  • Place it on your third-eye (the point between your eye-brows) to activate your third-eye chakra.

  • Selenite is often used in aiding cancer patients and others because of its cell-regeneration energies.

  • Selenite transmutes the energy and cleanses itself, so you don't need to clean or charge this crystal. Plus, you can place other crystals to charge on Selenite!

Submit your own crystal healing related questions here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for this information. It was exactly what I was looking for!

Blessed day to you, always!