Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy People Interview: Michele Amburgey

Michele Amburgey, MSP, CCH, HHP, RMT
Occupation: Metaphysical Science Practitioner, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Health Practitioner, Advance Energy Healer, Intuitive Counselor/Reader, Spiritual Teacher and Divine Channel
Location: Costa Mesa, California

Five things that make you the happiest:
1. Love!
2. Being in service!
3. Singing!
4. Sharing time with my awesome friends! Ann, you are the best!!!
5. Doing my healing work!!!

What are your views on energy healing? There is nothing in this world that is not energy... and being able to use this power that each of us has within, through thoughts and beliefs, through time and space, to heal at the most profound and deepest levels.. well... It's the only way to fly!!

How do you call abundance into your life? Through Affirmative Prayer and Positive Thought

What is your favorite crystal? My Beloved Aura Wand from Satin Crystals!!!

What is one crystal or energy healing experience you would like to share with the world? I was taking Sunny Satin's Spiritual Hypnotherapy Class, and Ann was there with her crystals. I kept being drawn to this huge, beautiful Aura wand, clear crystal with garnets and silver. At each break I would wander over to it, just looking, not daring to touch because I believed it was far to costly for me at that time. Near the end of the class, at the last break, I just had to pick it up. I knew my time to just feel it, to touch it, may be drawing to a close. So I reached out and gently picked up this lovely piece... and the whole world went into brilliant white light!! All I remember is looking toward Sunny, and I saw his smiling face, then looking at Ann, also smiling...and said "I think I have to have this, can you take payments?" Sunny looked as if he might have burst out laughing and said "Yes, it's yours". When I brought it home, I was so awed by the piece that I was afraid to touch it. One evening I had some friends over, and showed the wand, one of them said, "Well, pass it over to me"... and as I did, I heard the most beautiful singing voice say "I am of the Angelic Realm of the Dominions, and I am here to bring healing to all, through you, and through all who recieve us". To this day, the most profound and miraculous healings have been given to everyone I have done healing work on with that wand. She is my friend, my Angel, and my guide. Thank you, Sunny, Thank you, Ann for your love and generosity!

How do you define success? Inner Peace, Endless Joy and Limitless Prosperity for all!!

Three things that you would like to manifest in your life right now:
1. 20 or more paying healing clients per week
2. My True Love Realtionship
3. World Healing

What types of people do you want to attract into your life (this is so those who like your interview can contact you if they fit your description)? : People who know that Love is all there is, who are honest, kind, faithful, who are into meditation, energy healing, crystals, Divine Consciousness, and people who would like to share their experiences and love of all the above!! I also wish to invite anyone who is interested in spirituality to check out my website, and the many services and classes available. If I can be of service, please contact me!

**If you would like others to contact you, leave your email and any other of your sites you'd like to promote
949 202-7493
If YOU are a happy shiny person who believes in energy healing, has some crystal experiences to relate and wants to be interviewed, please email

Thank you, Michele! Your focus on all that is positive will help you overcome great obstacles!

I Dig Crystals "Happy People Interviews"
Promoting shiny, happy people who believe in their own abundance

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