Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy People Interview: Lillian Gomez

Lillian Gomez
Occupation: CAD Technician
Location: Orange County, CA

Five things that make you the happiest:
1. Being around good friends & family
2. Eating well =)
3. Listening to my favorite music
4. Expressing myself by dancing to house music = love & happiness = a big smile on my face
5. Bringing forth my truest potential

What are your views on energy healing? Fantastic. I’m open to anything that helps me become a better person.

How do you call abundance into your life? Chanting nam myoho renge kyo.

What is your favorite crystal? A very small, flat and very beautiful Rhodocrosite crystal purchased from Sheila last year. I keep it near me all the time.

What is one crystal or energy healing experience you would like to share with the world? I believe that your thoughts, words and actions become realized the moment they are manifested. I see a benefit from using crystals to focus thoughts.

Three things that you would like to manifest in your life right now:
1. Deepen my relationship with myself and those around me.
2. Meet a great man that compliments/challenges me and grow a healthy, nurturing relationship together. I want someone to grow old and wrinkly with. =)
3. Eliminate my outstanding debt to establish financial security without the use of credit.

How do you define success? To be happy and at ease.

What types of people do you want to attract into your life (this is so those who like your interview can contact you if they fit your description)? Like-minded, positive people similar to my sunny disposition. I learn a lot through others and love opportunities to grow, however I have many terrific friends that I enjoy spending time with and spread myself thin. Rather than increasing the number of friends, I seek to deepen my relationship with the ones I have. I am open to welcome new friendships, but I opt to be selective. Quality over quantity.

**If you would like others to contact you, leave your email and any other of your sites you'd like to promote:

--------------------------------------------------------8<--------------------- If YOU are a happy shiny person who believes in energy healing, has some crystal experiences to relate and wants to be interviewed, please email

Thank you, Lillian! You are the friendliest person I know!

I Dig Crystals "Happy People Interviews"
Promoting shiny, happy people who believe in their own abundance

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