Name: Danielle A. Nelson
Occupation: Artisan, designer, techhie, foodie, blogger, entrepreneur, voice, and brain: My partner Mer and I design and make jewelry and accessories as "Sweet Tarragon" and do graphic design, desktop publishing, web, writing, editing, audio, and tech consulting work as "hot glue media". My former catering company's web site has manifested into a food blog, which is my passion; we also run a blog about simplicity and frugality and have a podcast. In my day job, I'm an information repository: an executive assistant.
Location: Pottstown, PA, USA
Five things that make you the happiest:
1. Sunshine and fresh air
2. Laughter
3. Freedom
4. Creation
5. The happiness of those around me
6. Mental stimulation (yes, I'm cheating, but I couldn't leave this one out)
What are your views on energy healing?
Energy is everywhere and in everything, and can be coaxed into acting to our advantage. For those that don't believe (or won't admit that they do), the energy healing experience can be a great exercise in solace and contemplation; in today's fast-paced world, taking time away to focus on a crystal, receive a Reiki treatment, or focus on a flame can be enough in and of itself to start the healing process.
How do you call abundance into your life?
Practical positivity, hard work, and a strong belief that the universe will provide.
What is your favorite crystal?
Salt - and not only because of my culinary background. It is inherently earthen, but has a special relationship to the other elements: dissolved in water, it is extracted with air. Salt is one of the few things that can mute flame, but it can also enhance fire's power to make things of beauty, like salt-glazed pottery
What is one crystal or energy healing experience you would like to share with the world? For most of my life, crystals and energy have been a highly personal thing that I shared with only those closest to me. Entering the realm of jewelry-making, or more specifically, jewelry-selling, has changed that. One of my recent creations is Guardian of the Soul, a black tourmaline and garnet necklace specifically designed as a shield against negative and/or excess energy. It sold almost immediately, which always excites me, but the buyer's comments broke my heart - she needed it to keep the negative energy away from her in her workplace. On one hand, I'm glad that my creations have purpose, but on the other, I'd rather that no one ever had that need.
How do you define success?
Success is contentment with what you have and passion for your existence.
Three things that you would like to manifest in your life right now:
1. Wholesale and/or consignment agreements for our jewelry
2. A slowly, steadily building client base for our consulting company
3. The patience to work toward our goals (patience is a constant struggle for me)
What types of people do you want to attract into your life (this is so those who like your interview can contact you if they fit your description)?
Anyone who enjoys life and takes each day as it comes.
**If you would like others to contact you, leave your email and any other of your sites you'd like to promote (your blog, website, social site page, etc):
I can be reached through Twitter (@daniellenelson) or the contact form on any of our sites/blogs:
Sweet Tarragon (jewelry and accessories)
hot glue media (design, publishing, web, editing, and audio solutions)
Catch The Spoon (cooking and recipes)
Living Behind the Curve (simplicity and frugality)
Zen Maelstrom (personal blog)
Braindouche (podcast)
Thank you, Danielle! Your goal of creation to heal others is inspirational!
If YOU are a happy shiny person who believes in energy healing, has some crystal experiences to relate and wants to be interviewed, please email sheilasatin@gmail.com
I Dig Crystals "Happy People Interviews"
Promoting shiny, happy people who believe in their own abundance