QUESTION: Hi Sheila! I know I haven't been in touch for a quite a while, but I do check your website nearly everyday and find it very interesting. I really wish you didn't live across the country now since I would love to have you work on me with your crystal healing abilities! I have become very intrigued by crystals ever since I started reading your site.
Today I have a specific question for you: are there certain crystal I could use to bring about a more harmonious and peaceful temperament to my relationship with my husband? We have been fighting a lot lately and it seems to have become a vicious cycle that we can't get out of, no matter how hard we try or how much we love each other. The stress and tension are driving us both crazy! Any advice??
ANSWER: Hello friend, thanks for your email. Always great to hear from you and keep in touch despite the physical distance :)
For your relationship with your husband, I highly recommend you seek the aid of Rose Quartz crystals. A good way to implement this pink crystal into your life would be for you both to have a piece. Whether you want to wear it in jewelry form or keep a piece of tumbled in your pockets, clean, charge and program the Rose Quartz for peace in your relationship.
If your husband is not as keen on using crystals for healing as you are, I would suggest placing matching pieces (maybe Rose Quartz eggs, balls or pyramids) on each of your bedstands. The main point being, make sure there is an equal balance with the energy between you both. Whenever you feel an argument coming on, having the Rose Quartz's loving energy near you will remind you of compromise, forgiveness and letting go...
I will also tell you to focus on yourself. One-sided arguments do not exist. If you can come to terms with your own energies, balance your heart, subside the anger within yourself, there can be no problems in your relationship. Rose Quartz is great to work on yourself as well, but I would additionally use Obsidian (or Rainbow Obsidian) to transmute negativity and help you in "letting go" and overcoming.
If you need more advise, I'm always here to answer them!
Your friend,
Sheila Satin :: Crystal Healer :)
Additionally, i welcome custom orders for jewelry pieces made with your crystals in mind:
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