QUESTION: Hi Sheila,I have a few questions, and i am aware the title of this discussion is leave A crystal question, so my questions dont have to be answered all at once. Take your time.
1) What about the crystal gives it its properties? So amethyst has certain properties that are listed on your website, but i cannot see how these properties map to the crystal. If i were to find a new crystal, and make up its properties, would you be able to tell that i made them up, and would you then be able to find it true properties? Also there are some crystals that have properties related to bringing wealth. Let say this crystals takes a million years to develop, why did existence or nature "program" a crystal to make you rich, why does it even care about stuff like that.
2) On some of the product descriptions on eBay, i keep coming across that in 2012 there is going to be a shift to the fourth dimension, so does this mean that we are currently bounded only by three dimension? What exists in the 4th dimension, and why will crystals help? what about the 5th, 6th, 7th....etc.?
3) Finally, how can you use crystals to remember past lives, and is this safe? From what i understand, this is hard to deal with.
Thanks, and sorry for asking so many questions.
ANSWER: Hi, first of all, never be sorry for asking questions! I thank you for your questions and your patience.
Question #1 What gives the crystals its properties is its structure. It is the reason they use Quartz to keep Greenwich Mean time for its accuracy and it is why they use Ulexite for transmitting light and images like fiber optic bundles. Besides every day practical uses, the energies play a large part in the metaphysical world. By metaphysical I mean everything we can not touch or see and maybe not even comprehend..our emotions, the air, why we came to be, our purpose, our thoughts, etc...
I am not familiar with the scientific aspect of crystal healing, although there are many out there who do this research and I'm sure they will be happy to share their knowledge. As for energetically, you will read thousands of crystal healing books attributing very different properties to all sorts of stones. It is all very intuitive and subjective. There is no exact answer to your question. You can only use all these accounts of other peoples' experiences and see if they will fit well with your personal undertakings. This is what we do throughout our lives. Who is to say that the people who wrote our textbooks, the ones who shape our societies, the ones who tell us what pills to take are the ones that are right?? Only we ourselves can make that decision and everyone must come to their own conclusion.
Everyone will feel something different with crystals. Some people may not feel anything at all. Whatever it is you feel, just have trust in that knowing. We can question all we want, but in the end, I doubt we will come closer to any conclusive and unanymous agreement as to the meaning to our lives here on earth.
You definitely CAN choose a crystal and say that it does whatever you want it to do. As long as you believe it and it works for you, then that is all that matters. It comes to mind a highly religious client my father used to have for hypnotherapy. He would do past life regressions on him, but of course the client did not believe in reincarnation and thought it was all imagination. In the end, he was healed, and that is the only important part.
Of course we need to question everything before we can come to terms and be at peace and accept the world around us. I just want to point out that we should focus on the main goal of crystals and energy healing - to balance ourselves emotionally, mentally, physically, etc, so that no matter what obstacles are thrown at us, we will remain balanced. Whatever does this for you is the key to living a happy life.
On our ebay descriptions, we have described the properties of the crystal that we have found most useful in our own practices, our own experiences and that of our clients'. It may not apply to you, but it helps to guide others in their own healing quests.
There are so many unexplained phenomenons in nature - how the crystals are formed, each unique, different and profound are a miracle in themselves. I can not say WHY those who have a positive attitude attract positivity in their lives (law of attraction), but I know from my own experiences that it is true.
In the end, there is no one true property we can attribute to any one stone. Scientific research on vibrations and frequencies and stone structure may be able to reveal more to you. Color therapy and relating it to the chakras has a strong influence. The healing powers of nature and not messing with chemicals in our own chemical-composed bodies plays a role. Learning from the past and experiences of humanity is important. We must trust ourselves and what we feel. This is the hardest thing in today's society, just giving in to all of the questions and mental ranting and "just being", feeling, breathing, knowing, trusting and accepting.
Question #2 I am strongly going to refer you to my late father's book "Incredibly Believable: Everything you wanted to know about the Shift and didn't know who to ask" which you can find on our ebay store or by clicking on the link!
If you are ever in the area of our Satin Crystals shop in San Francisco's Nob Hill, my mother, Ann Satin, and sister, Lisa Satin, also do workshops about 2012 and the coming earth changes and the role of crystals.
Next time we send you something, ask for the "role of crystals in the 4th dimensional shift" handout so we can send you that to read as well. Of course, you will find a lot of information about 2012 online as well. A lot of conflicting information (like crystals), so you'll just have to take in what you believe.
Question #3: Crystals hold knowledge throughout the ages. As you know, they are formed over millions of years, they can absorb energies and thoughts. Thoughts are vibrating at an extremely high frequency. And then there's also mass consciousness. All of these can be theories as to why crystals hold ancient knowledge in their structures.
Past life regression is not dangerous in itself. If you are not ready to face the truth, then it may not be desirable for you to hear what will be revealed by yourself, but other than that, it is not dangerous in any way. The goal of past life regressions are to come to an understanding of how past life karma is affecting your current life and to release these burdens so you can live a balanced life now.
If you have any further questions, you can email me at or on the forum!
Sincerely,Sheila Satin
Crystal Healer
-- i dig crystals :: sheila satin originals
Satin Crystals Store1718A Polk St, San Francisco, CA