Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Blocked Chakras = Depression

I once performed a crystal healing session on a friend who was in depression mode. It wasn't surprising that her chakras were fully blocked, but I was still taken aback when the pendulum that I was using to measure the chakra flows was at a standstill at each of the major chakra energy points. This means that there is no energy coming in or going out. There is no energy flowing within the aura as the chakras are not being energized by the life force. Whether there has been a gradual shut down or a sudden, it is up to the depressed individual to make that decision to heal. Luckily, my friend who I did a crystal healing on in her depressed state did find the motivation she needed within the healing realm and is today a great healer herself, with the ability to empathize with others who are in a situation she has overcome. -Sheila Satin
