QUESTION: My cat jumped on my crystals while they were charging under a beautifulful moon. She broke four rose twisted wands. They broke in half. I superglued them together. My ? is I believe they still work. I use them as a grid around my bedroom. I just want to be sure my "sense" is correct. Your answer is appreciated when you have some time.
Also, my husband has been out of work for six months. Neither of us can find any work. We may lose our home. I have two teenagers who have ADD, ODD & ADHD and I'm menopausal (Arghhhhh). I'm the disciplinarian and follow through with consequences. My husband is a threatener and never follows through. Now they disrespect him so awful its disgusting I used to intervene, but have told him for years that thos was going to come back and bote him in the ass. Every night, there's a battle raging between my husband and children. I stay out of it They know better than to speak to me that way So, it's a constant battle for me and our marriage is pretty much over.
I've been smudging the house, gridding around the house, putting crystals under mattresses and gridding rooms, burning candles, using essential oils. Is there a "magic" stone for me.I feel like I'm going to explode. I even go so far as to go outside and hug cypress trees (my favorite). I call upon my angels, guides, ancestors and animal guides. In my heart I know I'll be fine, but I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, as my husband is the type of person who buries his head in the sand. I'm trying very hard to keep the peace (I'm a Libra), but feel I'm losing my family and the closeness.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Blessings,
ANSWER: First of all, let me say that you are doing well in a difficult situation. Realizing that you are not a part of the conflict between your husband and children is the first step to find balance in yourself. It has been said throughout the ages, we must realize ourselves (self-realization) before everything else can fall into line. On this note, I suggest you focus on your Crown Chakra. This is the area where we align with our Higher Selves, our path in the universe. As you are living in such chaos, meditating on this area will help to bring you back to coordination with your purpose in this life. For more information on this, visit: http://www.satincrystals.com/crystalhealing-chakra.html
Stones for the Crown Chakra that will be beneficial for you are ones with very high vibration like Danburite, Amethyst, Apophyllite and pair these with Quartz, the amplifying crystal. I see that you are staying grounded, visiting with nature. Having a lot of time for yourself will help you see the big picture, of why you are in the situation you are in, the lessons you are here to learn.
As for your broken Rose Quartz, gluing them back together is not a problem at all. We often glue our crystals together to make new creations. As long as what you make is whole in your mind, they will work just as effectively. If you think about it, all of the polished stones have been altered from their natural form to create something new.
Pet your precious cat for me, they are always drawn to higher vibrations and don't realize that their curiosity is in any way destructive to us :)
If you need any more advice, I am happy to help you out.
Sheila Satin