ALL NEW BLOG since 2016:
Blogging about healing crystals through fashion, art jewelry and chakra balancing. A down-to-earth look at the metaphysical world of Sheila Satin and I Dig Crystals.
Friday, October 23, 2009
STORE: Lisa Accounts
CRYSTALS: Pendulums
CRYSTALS: Parking Pendulum
I am interested in crystals. I have got a neat collection of them.
I will be visiting San Francisco from 7th Nov to 10th Nov.
I would like to pay you a visit and perhaps pop in to one of your healing classes.
Please advise if you have any activities during those days.
I will bring along some of my crystals too. :P
Also, we do have sessions if you wanted a session in crystal healing, reiki, past life regression, hypnotherapy, intuitive readings/ The prices will vary on those sessions, but you can make an appointment and pay online as well via paypal or credit card if you are interested.
See you in a few weeks,
Sheila Satin
Thursday, October 15, 2009
SMS Updates
OFFER: 50% off

Today ONLY!! If 20 people take advantage of this offer, you will get 50% off crystal healing or Reiki (including distance Reiki if you live far away) from Satin Crystals!!
This is offered today (October 15, 2009) only and only at this link:
Purchase a few sessions for yourself, your friends and family! Everyone needs some healing during this hectic holiday periods!
Once purchased, the session can be scheduled any time until the end of the year!!
REIKI: Animals

QUESTION: Sheila, Thank you for your email and interest in my project. The project is called "Lend your hands to healing" and it engages healing practitioners to volunteer their hands for one day a month to help the Animal Kingdom. We actually kick off this project on Saturday with the SPCA in Potrero Hill/Mission. We are a circle of Reiki/Pranic healers who have committed to working with the SPCA on a regular basis to bring healing to the shelter animals. I believe it is too late to join in with the SPCA however, I am taking this on as a life project, meaning as long as I live so will this project. My goal is to implement Reiki as a healing method in shelters all over the city. I would love your and your sister's help if this project moves and inspires you. As soon as the project with SPCA has been situated I'll need a new group of healers to take on the next shelter. Please let me know if you would be interested in participating. Also, if you know any healers, please spread the word, we can never be too many! :)
I looked at your website, I love it! I would like to take one of your crystal workshops. Unfortunately the one scheduled for this Saturday clashes with my healing project. When will the next one be?
ANSWER: Dear friend, please keep us informed on your project. We have a growing network of healers who are looking for healing projects, especially as we teach more classes! Our next Crystal Healing course will be on Nov 7-8, 2009 weekend. This is also a certification course and although it is part two, it can be taken independently from part 1. You will be learning new crystal healing techniques in each course. Please give us a call, come in or email us if you'd like to sign up for this great certification course. We have two spots left.
You can print out our whole schedule at:
We will have part one of the Crystal Healing course again early next year~! We also have healing parties, like the one last night and weekly thursday meditations which have grown tremendously in the last three months, so if you're available Thursdays 6pm-7:30pm, we'd love for you to join us!
Of course we have smaller workshops which fits into many people's busy schedule as well! This month we have Crystal Divination, Crystal Massage which can be very beneficial to animals and Numerology!
We look forward to working with you,
Sheila Satin
Satin Crystals :: 1718a Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 776-7446
REIKI: Testimonial

Subject: Reiki is incredible
Dear Ann, Thank you very much for introducing me to Reiki. I had an amazing week and the meditiation last night with Lisa's group was the most powerful I have experienced. My hands were generating so much energy into the crystal I was holding they were pulsating. It was very very powerful. Thank you. I am so looking forward to Reiki 2 and the Master Reiki class coming up. With warmest regards and thanks.
To experience Reiki or sign up for a Certification course, contact:
Satin Crystals at (415) 776-7446
1718a Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 in Nob Hill.
ARTICLE: Death & Transition

Death and Transition - Changing Identity of the Ego
by, Christine Bartlett PT, CHT
One of the biggest shifts happening during this time of change in 2009 to 2012 is people experiencing upset around changes in identity related to the Ego. "What is the Ego?" you might ask. "What do you mean by upset?" you may be thinking. The Ego as taught by the Institute of Thought contains three layers, one on top of the other in a pyramid in three sections, largest to smallest at the peak.
The Ego bottom layer consists of parts of yourself you choose before you incarnated: your astrology sign, ethnicity, sex, DNA.
The second layer are the things you develop in your identity as you grow through life: your education, religion, beliefs, societal expectations,career, etc. The last layer, the peak, is called the True Ego. This is your true identity connected to your soul.
Who you are as a person today is an accumulation of all these layers, making up your Ego, your self identity, your idea of who and what you are in the world.
So what is happening to the Ego with the SHIFT?
The time has come for massive death and transition out of old 3 dimensional identities into lighter, clearer more "true" identities of who we are in the 4th dimension.
What does this mean? It means, from now until 2012 your identity will be shifting and changing in order for you to become who you are supposed to be for the World and the Shift. You are becoming who you intended to be in this incarnation. To do this, death and transition of your old self and old way of doing things is necessary. You will find your old way will no longer fit or work anymore.
For most of us, this involves going through physical, mental or emotional loss, pain or shifts in ourselves and in relation to those around us. For many this will be uncomfortable. We may lose jobs, titles, careers, roles or support. We may feel misunderstood or have trouble communicating with those around us, where we had no trouble before. We may feel unrecognized or unappreciated for who we "are" in the ways we think we "should" be, the Ego wanting recognition and things to stay the same, the new Ego and soul pushing for growth and change in everyone and everything!
So what is the best way to handle yourself during the death and transition of your Ego? Part of the Earthquakes predicted for the SHIFT are internal shifts not just external shifts of the Earth. We, as beings, have to be shifted out of our old vibrations into new ones to make this transition happen. As you feel the shaky ground and earthquake happening beneath your feet, the best thing you can do is not try to cling or hold on to anyone or anything that makes you feel secure, (because they are shaking too!) the best thing to do is let go. Let go and take a deep breath and center yourself from within. Ask for guidance to be with you and imagine a beam of light shining down through your head into a column of light in your body, down your center into the ground. Be the LIGHT. This will "ground" you in the new 4th Dimension for that dimension is light. This will awaken you and guide your to your 4D role and new Ego, nothing in the 3D world will do it.
The only way to make it through this transition is to stop looking outside of yourself for feedback, support and validation about your identity and start strengthening and focusing from within. YOU have to become the beam of light in the world that others will be looking to as the World shifts through it's real changes. Is this easy? No. Is it necessary? YES.
We all can do this willingly and gracefully, despite the fear or pain or we can fight it. It is our choice, but the SHIFT is happening.
Respectfully submitted with love and light ~
Christine Bartlett PT, CHT
For more information about the SHIFT or transition of the Ego and how to handle it, Christine is available for consultation at 510-418-1940 or
TIPS: Caring for Chain Jewelry

How to Clean and Polish Chain Jewelry!
7 Great Tips to Maintain your Chain!
article from beadingdaily
1. Daily Care
When you remove your jewelry, wipe off the chain with a lint-free polishing cloth that has no abrasives. If you have been wearing perfume, rinse the chain with water, pat it dry, then follow with the polishing cloth. This is great for day-to-day maintenance: cleaning off fingerprints, skin oils, scents, and surface dirt.
2. Storage
Yvonne Padilla of Rio Grande recommends that you place your jewelry in an air-tight plastic baggie along with an anti-tarnish strip. These strips are fantastic–completely safe and non-toxic. They absorb moisture and neutralize tarnish-producing gases in the air. They will last up to 6 months or longer if placed in a sealed environment. They work for silver, brass, copper, nickel, bronze, tin, and gold. Copper is the villain when it comes to tarnishing, so any metal that contains copper will tarnish. Clean your chains thoroughly, then store them with anti-tarnish strips and they'll be ready to wear for months.
3. Weekly Maintenance
Use an ultrasonic cleaner and a cleaning solution that is PH-balanced and ammonia-free. This will eliminate surface dirt, oil, lotion, and perfume. If you are cleaning a rope chain or snake chain where dirt might get into the crevices, use a soft toothbrush to get into those hard to reach areas.
4. Let It Soak
Soak your chains in a PH-balanced, ammonia free jewelry solution for stubborn tarnish. If you have chain with stones, make sure that the cleaning solution you are using is gentle enough to use on the particular gemstones or pearls. Don't use the ultrasonic cleaner as the vibration may harm the stones.
Anti-tarnish strips, polishing pads, polishing cloths, and cleaning solution.5. Tarnish Be Gone
There are some wonderful polishing pads and cloths that are embedded with microabrasives that get rid of tarnish and dirt in a jiffy. Just rub the cloth over the piece and watch it polish to a clean, brilliant shine.
Top: Brass chain cleaned with vinegar and salt solution. Bottom: Tarnished chain.6. Go Eco
To clean silver, try Jean Campbell’s At-Home Tarnish Busting Remedy. For stubborn spots, use plain toothpaste (no gels or whitening) and a soft toothbrush, then rinse and dry with a soft cloth. I learned this trick from Kate Richbourg of Beaducation: For brass and copper pieces, use hot vinegar mixed with a few tablespoons of salt; let soak, then rinse and dry.
7. When in Doubt
If your jewelry has become really tarnished or you have concerns about any of the gemstones used in your design, take your jewelry to a professional jeweler and ask them to clean your pieces for you.
RE: Hiccup in Time

In response to a response to hiccup in time
Thank you for sharing!
When we surrender to the high power, things seem to be fallen into places. Even though, we (human) still feel the pain and heart-ache, but that is part of the plan and we shall overcome it. And...this too shall pass!
"Letting go" is a very diffcult thing to do, especially, between mother and child. The message came to you at the right moment and indeed it meant to be yours and the universe has delivered it to you personally and promptly.
You are doing the right thing to have followed the advice given from above. You daughter will be just fine as she is learning and gaining from her own experience for her own karmic reason. We are just observers who are watching and wishing that our children will learn their lessons well without interfering with their paths. There is nothing good or bad. The end result is always as perfect as it can be!
Try keeping positive thought at all time, and we will not be disturbed when our mind rise high and reach the universal love and oneness.
Lots of love and hugs,
Ann Satin
In response to hiccup..
Hi Ann, as i receive your mail with lots of love and positive energy around me i really want to share with you an incidence that happened a couple of months ago. my young unmarried daughter wanted to go to Mumbai to work. i knew her main reason was to go and stay in Mumbai cause her boyfriend had recently taken up a job there. i also knew due to my experience that her boyfriend is a bad news for her . he was a cheat and a flirt AND EVERY BODY COULD SEE THAT CLEARLY EXCEPT HER. I KNEW HER GOING THERE WILL BRING A LOT OF HEARTBREAK TO HER AND I naturally as a mother didn't want her to suffer it. there was a lot of stress and arguments and crying/yelling going around. i felt helpless and dint know how to handle the situation. then finally in one of my meditation i left everything to the universe and put the the intend that let me know by tomorrow morning what should i do. give me indication somehow. and that night before i went off to sleep i got a forwarded mail of your daughter where she had written about the controversies and discussions that happened in one of her meeting where she says that in spite of knowing what can bring happiness in peoples life i cannot force them to tread the path i suggest. people need to move ahead according to the learning that they have come for. this mail is called hiccups in time. this mail is cut and paste below just so that you can understand how apt this mail was for me. how beautifully universe had guided me that night as to what i should do. this mail from lisa was probably written for me only. lots of hugs to you.
hiccup in time
I am so happy to be living my dream every day- and watching Satin Crystals grow before my eyes. The most satisfying part of my work experience is helping others and sharing spiritual knowledge and experiences with a community of very special light persons.
Satin Crystals weekly meditation group has grown, and now has a solid core foundation of regular attendees. We work together and share our positive ideas and our visions. Everyone leaves the sessions rejuvenated and confident in the Creator within.
Last week's meditation, focusing on the manifestation of cash flow into one's life using crystal trees, went smoothly. However, at the end there was a strange exchange of words between certain participants that left tension and negative feelings in the air. This odd occurrence stayed with me for 2 days, as I tried to understand the meanings and lessons behind the incident.
I believe that the hiccup in time occurred for a reason, and the lesson to be learned from the experience varies for each person present during that meditation. I can only share what I personally have learned from the experience:
Each of us are very different, unique human beings. Each person has life experiences that are completely unique to him/herself. We each have different challenges that we face, and various ways in which we go about these challenges.
In the past, it would often frustrate me to watch others "suffer" and go through bouts of depression or hard times. I often thought I had the answers to their problems, and if they could just SEE IT MY WAY, their lives could be so much easier. Even as a child, I may have alienated more than one good friend by being judgmental toward their actions rather than supportive of their feelings. It has taken me a very long time to come to the realization that it is not my job to change people, or to try to shake them out of what I may have seen as a "slump". As a friend, it is my job to listen and be supportive without passing judgment. As a teacher, it is my job to empower people with the skills to help themselves so that they can pursue the path of positive experiences whenever they are ready to embrace that path.
Every person comes to this earth to experience different things. Some of the most important life lessons are often learns only after struggling and suffering, in one way or the other. If every lifetime was a free ride, then how would we grow at the soul level? We must be entitled to walk our own path, choose our own direction, and move at our own pace. Humanity consists of billions of diverse beings, and each being is at a different point in his/her spiritual development. Only through support and understanding can we lift ourselves and others up.
I thank the universe for bringing this experience to the meditation group. Yes, it may have been negative in nature, but there is always something positive to be learned through the tension. It has taught me that patience is a true necessity for any effective teacher, and to share the message of tolerance and understanding at the next session.
Lisa Satin
CLASS: Numerology

This is a very valuable course. We use our numbers to make all kinds of major life decisions...
Numerology Workshop
Time: October 18, 2009 from 1pm to 5pm
Location: Satin Crystals
Street: 1718a Polk St
City/Town: San francisco
Website or Map:
Phone: 415-776-7446
Event Type: numerology, astrology, workshop
Organized By: Lisa Satin
Event Description
You use numbers consciously and unconsciously, every day, in every aspect of your life. You talk about zip codes, anniversaries, credit cards. When someone is born, a business incorporates, or an important event occurs, a number is immediately attached. Numbers serve as a form of access and direction. Numerology allows you to reflect upon your life in a way you normally would not think to do. View the numbers of your life as symbols of meaning. When you know how to identify and interpret your numbers, you gain greater hold of your life. More success. More joy. Less fear.
In this workshop, Lisa Satin will teach you the history and basis of Numerology. You will receive your own copy Nick Newmont’s book “Newmerology” and together we will decipher your cosmic clock, from birth path numbers to dharma numbers and more!
Tuition: $90 (Includes book “Newmerology”- $18 value)
Friday, October 9, 2009
NEWS: Satin Crystals
Dear Crystal Patrons-
October is here, with exciting new offerings at Satin Crystals! Together, we are a continuously growing community of light workers and positive people. Here are the latest updates at Satin Crystals:
FREE Healing Party at Satin Crystals is this Friday, Oct. 9th, from 6-8pm. Come receive free healing from our students, and practice your skills on others. We will be having a Special Promotion exclusive to attendees. Light drinks and snacks will be provided. Just a few spots left, so RSVP!
We are now collecting resumes! Satin Crystals intends to manifest a part time assistant in the near future (only from our community of people). He/she is well versed in crystals and the metaphysical world, and willing to learn much more. Please contact us for more information, and send us your resume with availability.
10% off all Chrysocolla Crystals for the month of October!
New Crystals are here! Check out our fresh selection of Aura Wands, Jewelry Beads, Rainbow Obsidian Bracelets, Slabs, and more!
Ann Satin has decided to stay in Orange County for the time being. However, we will still be offering healing exchange opportunities often, in place of the group. Ann will be here often to conduct courses and join in the Satin Crystals fun!
Sheila Satin is taking Jewelry Metalsmithing classes, so watch out for brand new designs! Of course, there will be all kinds of natural crystals incorporated with the metals (spoiler alert: a super special end of the year sale on Sheila Satin Original pieces)
We will be closed on Sunday, October 11th in celebration of Lisa's birthday! Yay!
Upcoming ClassesPrint out your own detailed copy of the class schedule:
Oct. 18th (Sunday, 1-5pm): Numerology Workshop
Oct. 24th (Saturday, 11am-5pm): Law of Attraction
Oct. 25th (Sunday, 1-4pm): Crystal Massage Workshop
Oct. 30th (Friday, 6-7:30pm): Crystal Divination
Oct. 31st (Saturday, 10am-5:30pm): Reiki 2
Nov. 7-8th (Sat/Sun, 10am-5pm, 11am-4pm): Crystal Healing Certification Course B
Nov. 14th (Saturday, 1-3pm): Wire Ring-Making workshop
Nov. 15th (Sunday, 1-4pm): Meditation Class
Nov. 22nd (Sunday, 1-3pm): Journey of the Soul tutorial
Nov. 29th (Sunday, 1-4pm): Crystal Gift Making Workshop
Dec. 5th (Saturday, 1-3pm): Crystal Bracelet Making Workshop
Dec. 6th (Sunday, 1-3pm): Earring Making Workshop
Dec. 12-13th (Sat/Sun, 1-5:30pm): Master Reiki III Certification
Dec. 20th (Sunday, 1-4pm): Jesus Christ Master Session & Meditation
As the season of giving approaches, Satin Crysals is happy to offer 2 Free Healing Clinics:
FREE Crystal Healing Clinic
Nov. 28th (Saturday, 12:30-5:30)- Crystal Therapist Sheila Satin is offering a FREE Clinic in various crystal healing techniques. We invite 9 patrons to enjoy a personalized one-on-one session for energy alignment by Sheila. The free clinic will be conducted by appointment, and is expected to fill up quickly. Please call to make an appointment when you are 100% sure attendance is possible. FREE. Donations highly encouraged as form of energy exchange.
FREE Reiki Clinic
Dec. 19th (Saturday, 11am-3:30pm)-
Satin Crystals certified Reiki Healers are offering their skills for FREE! We invite 9 patrons to enjoy a personalized one-on-one session for Reiki energy healing. The free clinic will be conducted by appointment, and is expected to fill up quickly. Please call to make an appointment when you are 100% sure attendance is possible. FREE. Donations highly encouraged as form of energy exchange.
Holiday Clearances
Thanksgiving Sale at Satin Crystals (Nov27-29)
We will be offering bargains at Satin Crystals Thanksgiving Weekend Sale. We will be open special hours so you can start your holiday shopping immediately. AN EVENT YOU MUST ATTEND! The sale will go from:
Friday 11am-6pm
Saturday: 11am-6pm
Sunday: 11am-6pm
2009 Clearance Sale at Satin Crystals (Dec. 19-24)
The year is coming to a close, and we will be clearing the space to welcome new crystals for 2010! Our extraordinary prices will bring a big smile to your face... GUARANTEED! Put the time and dates in your calendar now. Bring your shopping bags and your wallets, you will be glad!:
Saturday 3:30-6pm (Sale kicks off at the start of our Christmas Party!)
Sunday 12-6pm
Tuesday 12-6pm
Wednesday 12-6pm
Thursday 10am-3pm
Our weekly meditation is in full swing once again! This Thursday's meditation is over-booked, but join us on October 15th and every subsequent Thursday to partake in this powerful experience of the mind and of the conscious community. Chrysocolla is this month's crystal, so we are emphasizing the energies of love and creativity within. Come manifest now and take control of your life. Fun and enriching! ($3/session or purchase a Frequent Meditator pass at $25/10 sessions!)
2010 Sneak Preview:
January 16,17,23,24 (Sat-Sun) Hypnotherapy 2
January 20 (Wed): 2012 and Earth Changes tutorial
January 30-31 (Sat-Sun): Crystal Healing Certification Course 1
February 13 (Sat): Male/Female dynamics
February 14 (Sun): Love Potions Workshop
February 20-21 (Sat-Sun): Past Life Therapy Certification Course
Free Chakra Tutorial
Spiritual Gazing Session
Sacred Geometry Workshop
Thank you once again for all you do! May the month of October be the best yet!
Lisa & Sheila Satin
Satin Crystals :: 1718a Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 776-7446
submit your crystal healing questions:
join us on facebook:
review us on yelp:
CONTEST: Chrysocolla

We are giving away a FREE Chrysocolla Slab this month. To enter, submit your response here:
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
CLASS: Crystal Healing
QUESTION: Hi. I just missed your crystal healing class. Let me know if you have another one in the future. Thanks.
ANSWER: Dear K, Thank you for your email. We have certification courses about twice a year.
We will have a second part coming up in November: "Crystal Healing Certification Course: Layouts, Dowsing, Scrying & Healing" which can be taken independently from the first part.
If you'd like to sign up for this course, it will be November 7-8, 2009 and $195 by Oct. 15, $225 thereafter. If you enroll with a friend, you both receive 10% off.
You can email us at or call us at the store 12-6 Tuesday - Sunday 415-776-7446.
I will put putting this class up on teachstreet as well, but you can find and print out our whole schedule on our website or come into the store and pick one up!
Sheila Satin
Satin Crystals, 1718a Polk Street, Nob Hill, San Francisco, CA 94109.
QUESTION: Hi Sheila, That is a great photo of the chip. I don't care about the bottom, but being you all are the experts tell me, does that small chip actually affect its healing or channeling properties? Thank you again.
ANSWER: Hi , the chip is at the tip are a personal preference as to use for energy healing work. For me, I have a large collection of chipped wands from the store and find them just as effective as perfect points. In my viewpoint, nature comes out with imperfect points all the time and they do not effect the healing energy.
Again, this is personal preference of how you view hand polished crystals and their energies.
Hope that helps,
Sheila Satin
Thursday, October 1, 2009
STORE: Bus 1
QUESTION: I'm returning to SF on October 10th and want to visit your establishment. You're on Polk near Clay. Is that along the 1 California bus route?
ANSWER: Yes, the 1 bus is right on the corner, drops you off at Clay and Polk and we are on 1718a Polk Street, next to Sam's Chinese restaurant. We are between Clay and Washington. See you when you return!
415-776-7446 is our store number.
We will be closed Oct. 11 for Lisa's birthday and we are closed every Monday.
Otherwise, we are open 12-6pm Tuesday-Sunday or by appointment on other times!
~Sheila Satin
Co-Owner of Satin Crystals Shop