ALL NEW BLOG since 2016:
Blogging about healing crystals through fashion, art jewelry and chakra balancing. A down-to-earth look at the metaphysical world of Sheila Satin and I Dig Crystals.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
TIME: 11:11

CRYSTALS: Jobs Abroad


NEW: East Bay Crystal Group

Sunday, July 26, 2009
CRYSTALS: Chakra Plates

PIC: Window Crystals
Our new window display features Powerful Aura Wands from SatinCrystals and handmade crystal healing necklaces from I Dig Crystals.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
CRYSTALS: Angelite

This is a custom piece for someone who wanted a beautiful baby blue ANGELITE tumbled stone wrapped into a pendant. Angelite is a loving stone, connecting us to the Angelic Realms.
Wear your favorite crystal stones after some custom wire work! Come into the shop or send me an email and we can do it by mail!
Sheila Satin

Thank you to all the participants who joined my "Chakra Plate Creation" class today; it was exhilarating! I will include instructions here shortly. Meanwhile, I've pictured the Throat Chakra plate we used, small but powerful! For those of you who missed it, I'll be doing this class again in the next few months! Make sure you are on our email list!
Sheila :)
CHANGE: No Regrets
Friday, July 24, 2009
PIC: Satin Crystals

Another popular way to use your tumbled stones and small crystal points is to lie in "Crystal Layouts". There are an endless number of layouts you can create for all kinds of healing energies. The picture above shows the layout for Headache Relief.
Basically, you lay the appropriate stones and points around and on your body as you lie in the "energy grid" for a few minutes. This can be done just once to achieve the desired effect or daily!
There are specific layouts you can find online, in published books or take a class with us at Satin Crystals to practice and familiarize yourself with the benefits of crystal layouts!
Sheila Satin
Satin Crystals, 1718A Polk Street, San Francisco, CA 94109
CLOSED: idigcrystals

I Dig Crystals ebay store has now closed and merged into Satin Crystals: http://stores.ebay.com/satincrystals
We are still in the process of moving everything onto this new massive crystal healing online shop, so if you don't see something online, just ask, we probably have it in our retail store!!
Sheila :)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
CRYSTALS: Gem Elixirs

A great way to use your tumbled crystals is to make a Gem Elixir. Gem elixirs can be created for an endless number of benefits; from skin problems to enhancing a relationship..
How to make a Gem Elixir
Glass container
1. Clean, Charge and Program your crystal before use
2. Put crystal in the glass container of water and let it stand in the sun through one cycle of the day.
3. Remove the crystal and drink immediately or store in a dark glass bottle with an airtight stopper.
4. Alternatively, add to your bath water.
*can also be done with crystal bowls or cups.
*if your crystal is water-soluble, use the indirect method: place the stone in a glass jar or small bowl and then place it in the water.
To make a Gem Essence
1. Use the same methods as making a gem elixir
2. Add a few drops of alcohol (brandy, vodka) or cider vinegar to preserve the essence
3. Rub the essence on pulse points for healing energy or spray the room with it in a mister.
Most Gem elixirs are made by placing the cleaned stone or stones chosen in a clear glass or crystal container with pure water and placing this in sunlight for several hours. Two to four hours is common, though on a very bright sunny day at noon, full charging can occur in as little as half an hour, and on overcast or cloudy days it can take much longer. Use your intuition!
Some people keep the gemstones in the water for a minimum of an entire day (24 hours), and some people take a week to a fortnight to make an elixir, spending some time each day to mentally reinforce the intention. Conventionally made elixirs are made outside on bright sunny days. Very cloudy days are not always suitable for making most gem elixirs.
It is important to minimize your direct physical contact with the stones and water in order to keep the crystal energy from absorbing your own energy and effecting the elixir. You may wish to place and remove your stones with a spoon and you should always have calm and focused emotional state while making elixirs, because strong emotions can affect the elixir.
The alcohol is used to inhibit bacterial growth and may also help to " fix" the vibration.
Gem elixirs are often used undiluted rather than being expanded either by drinking glasses of the charged water, or by placing two to five drops of the elixir in a glass of water or under the tongue two to four times a day. They can also be used topically on the skin or put in bath water. You can add them to sprays that you use for room or aura clearing.
Some stones should not be used to make conventional gem elixirs. Do not make a conventional elixir from any stone containing known toxins. These include but are not limited to, Copper, which would include azurite and Malachite. Orpiment is arsenic and Cinnabar contains Mercury for example.
There are also some stones which are not suitable for soaking in water, alternative methods are then to be used to make elixirs. These methods include: placing the stone in a smaller container which is placed in the larger container of water, and placing stones around the container being charged. These are often used in combination. Some sources recommend that you have at least six stones of the same type to place around the container, others use quartz points to amplify and direct the energy of the stone you are making an elixir with into the water.
Another way to make an elixir is to hold a charged stone against the side of a glass of water and intend the crystal charge the water with its energy. This is most effective if you are skilled at focusing your intention, but is not usually as long lasting as using a conventional method, and may be more suitable for making a single glass of charged water to be used within a short time.
Many people just like to keep a quartz or amethyst crystal in the water they drink or water plants with even without further charging, this seems to improve the taste and energy of the water.
Sheila Satin:: Crystal Healer
Satin Crystals - 1718A Polk St, SAn Francisco, CA 94109
Saturday, July 18, 2009
MOVIE: Harry Potter Crystal Cave

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
CRYSTALS: Arthritis

QUESTION: Hi Sheila,What types of crystals would be good for arthritis and osteoporosis? My hubby just had some x-rays done (the doctor said he needed to study the x-rays and will get back to us ) however the doctor did say Paul has arthritis and osteoporosis. Arthritis is in his neck the most. He also found a tumor on his spinal cord. Any help is appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.
ANSWER: Hi, we have received great reports from arthritis clients after they have used Mochi (aka: Moqui or Shaman Stones) Balls on the affected areas. They rub these stones on the arthritic areas and it helps relieve the tension and return mobility. I would highly recommend mochi balls. Another thing he can do for bones, is to take a gem elixir of Calcite stones. let me know if you need any additional help or locating these stones.
Sheila Satin
EVENT: Peruvian Adventure

We are passing this information along for a friend, in case anyone is interested in joining him:
YOU are INVITED by HAN to a JOURNEY of SELF-DISCOVERY in the MOUNTAINS of PERU --- AUG 22nd - SEPT 5th 2009
As you know I have been a serious student and practitioner of shamanism for several years. It is now my intention to share wisdom and experience with others on their own journey of self discovery and living life on purpose. Consequently, I have arranged a special trip for a small group of people to the Andes of Peru - to meet and travel with an authentic shaman. He is Don Agustin, and I have had the great privilege of working with him during my own training. We invite you to join us ---------------------------------- Together, we will lead you on an amazing journey to magical places in Peru rarely visited by tourists. Here is a description of the journey in some detail, so you can appreciate what is in store for you, should you decide to join us.
JOURNEY ITINERARY * On our first day in Peru, we will travel from Lima to a magical hot springs in a lush Andean valley surrounded by spectacular mountains. There, you will be offered participation in a sacred plant ceremony while in the medicinal waters. Therein, you may enter the world of dreams and visions for self healing. NOTE: The ceremonies on this journey will take place during daytime, and participation will always be by personal choice of each participant. The Andean plant medicine we use is most conducive to being in natural, outdoor environments. * After two amazing days in this beautiful valley, we will leave early morning to travel by horseback over a 16, 000 ft pass, all the while enjoying incredibly beautiful and varied Andean mountain terrain. Most of our camping gear will be taken to our second location by truck, so we will be traveling lightly. No horseback riding skills are really required, as all the horses are trained to be gentle, and we will be accompanied by experienced Andean mountain guides. From my own experience, I can attest to this being one of the highlights of the journey, not to be missed. * Once over the pass, we will bid adieu to our horses and guides, and hike down to a little mountain pueblo where we will be met and transported to our second destination, a magical place of legend and ancient powerful ceremony named Selva Piedra (the Stone Forest). There, you will experience a vast terrain of rock formations unlike any other place on earth. And there, we will hold out second plant medicine ceremony. * As you may know, the quality of plant medicine ceremony is affected by the purity of the medicine, the skill and knowledge of the shaman, and the power of the environment where it is performed. All I can say is, the quality doesn’t get much better anywhere, on all counts. *After two days in this wonderful high Andean environment, we will travel back to Lima, .enjoying more spectacular and varied scenery for most of the way down. All in all, This will be a journey you will remember for the rest of your life, and benefit from greatly in many ways, both tangible and intangible. Oh, yes, I should not fail to mention all the wonderful freshly prepared Andean food that you will enjoy along the journey – yum!!! From Lima, you may choose to remain in Peru on your own for a while, or return home right away, and still have a day of rest before returning to work on Tuesday after Labor Day weekend.
Cost: $1250 - All Inclusive (except for airfare USA to Lima and return) Non- refundable deposit of $350 must be received by July 22, 2009
Remainder of $ 900 - to be paid no later than Aug 18, 2009
Space limited to a maximum of 12 people
Some knowledge of camping and some personal equipment will be required. Each person should be in reasonably good physical condition, and willing to hike at altitude Please call or e-mail me for more information or with any questions you have.
I look forward to sharing this experience with you - if you choose to come, and make your decision to do so before the spaces are filled.
Blessings, Robert “Han” Bishop
Allawaken TravelTravel to Places that Awaken Heart & Spirit
Tel: 415 453 9774 / allawaken@comcast.net
For more information on Don Agustin, visit www.agustinguzman.com
Thursday, July 9, 2009
NEWS: Merging Crystals
Hello to our beloved Satin Crystals members!
My mom and I have finally made the big move from S.California to San Francisco! Lisa and I are busy merging our crystal stocks together at our store, while my mom is off teaching in Asia this month!
Sorry for the long silence, it's been a busy few weeks! We will be having another contest up shortly. Meanwhile, feel free to email us or call us at the store with questions or to reserve your spot at any of our upcoming events, meditations or classes: http://www.satincrystals.com
Your friend,Sheila Satin
Visit Satin Crystals Social Network at: http://satincrystals.ning.com