Tuesday, April 14, 2009


QUESTION: Hi Sheila, I have rosacea. Is there a crystal I could use to help with it? thanks.

ANSWER: Hi, thanks for your question. For any skin inflammations, i highly recommend using Calcite to alleviate the symptoms.

A client of mine came to me when she wanted to find a more natural healing method than using Pro-Active for her face acne. I suggested she drink Calcite elixirs twice a day. She used a few tumbled Calcite stones to infuse the water with the crystals' energies - about half a glass in the morning and a half a glass in the evening. Drinking the cleaned, charged and programmed crystal elixir helped to improve her skin condition without unnatural chemicals.

You can do the same with tumbled Calcite stones or use a natural Calcite bowl for easy elixir making. Of course you will learn to adjust your healing regimen as to how long you soak the water, how much you drink, etc...


please send all crystal healing related questions to: sheila@idigcrystals.com


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Keep up the great work!