QUESTION: I have a pocket comfort crystal. It is palm size made of smooth green jade. I like jade for its healing / energy qualities- "Jade is emotionally calming, relieving your stress during hectic times. It is a dream stone, helping you to recall and learn from dreams. Jade stimulates your heart and heart chakras, giving you love energy and the ability to heal yourself. It attract wealth and abundance in any area of life you desire, and brings great luck!" (idigcrystals ebay store). Those in bold are for the main reasons, which are related to my bipolar disorder and my experience at a class at Ann Satin's home. When I was diagnosed in the class by a fellow learning crystalologist and then by Ann it was discovered my heart chakra had blockage. Ann opened it some with a healing wand, but not completely. I have not been able to return since, so I acquired this crystal for some assurance. That was probably too much information.
The question is sometimes when I reach into my pocket to retrieve it the temperature is very warm. It is at times in the range of "hot." Is there an explanation for this? Is it the strength of the stone working with those areas of my being requiring stengthing? I usually place it on a my large quartz crystal for recharging weekly too! There doesn't seem to be any real ryhme or pattern detectable to me as yet either. Just a question of curiousity. O yeah, it did develop a crack, yet has never been dropped too!
Thank you for you time with this!
ANSWER: Hi, thanks for your questions. Like humans, crystals are made from a form of concentrated energy. This energy shifts as the conditions around the crystal shift. In this case, it's according to the surroundings and your own auric shifts. Your energy shifts when your mood does, and this can affect the crystal. As we know, crystals are often transmuting, deflecting, absorbing energies of our physical beings, therefore we are able to use them in healing. So in your case, it's a simple explanation of the crystal reacting to it's surroundings (aka: your aura conditions). The fact that you stated bipolar conditions, makes it all the more likely that your stones kept in your aura will have such dramatic shifts.
I would not be alarmed with this. It's a tribute to the mystical energy of stones. As has been noted in the past, we often find Garnet to steam when it senses great evil energies, Bloodstone to sacrifice its colors when it senses great weakness, Quartz becoming very hot when in the presence of active energy healing...
Sheila Satin
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