Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Pamela Johnson
Occupation retired art teacher
Location Missouri

Five things that make you the happiest:
1. Time spent with my boys
2. Creating my art work
3. Everything in nature
4. The books, music, people and occurrences that enhance the spiritual path I’m on right now.
5. Knowing that Spirit is present everywhere and that I lack for nothing.

What are your views on energy healing? I’m just now learning a little about it, but it makes as much sense to me as anything else out there. We are all beings of vibrational energy, so why not use the energy of crystals (or plants, animals, and people, for that matter) to increase our well being? Energy, no matter what form it’s contained in, all comes from the same Source, which in my view is only good and loving.

How do you call abundance into your life? By believing that I already have what I need and accepting it. I’m not always successful at this. Sometimes it’s very hard to put this law into practice, but I’m getting better at it.

What is your favorite crystal? Obsidian. Negativity is toxic, and one of the properties of obsidian is to repel that. What is one crystal or energy healing experience you would like to share with the world? I don’t have one yet.

How do you define success? There are lots of ways to feel successful. When I do something that “gives back” or is helpful to someone else in some way, I feel successful. Accomplishing a goal I have set for myself makes me feel successful. When I’m trying to understand and learn what a spiritual teacher is saying, that “aha” moment of finally “getting it” ( and sometimes it takes a really long time to get there!) gives me a great sense of success.

Three things that you would like to manifest in your life right now:
1. Unshakeable confidence that I can accomplish whatever I set before me to do.
2. Get my art out there into the best venues for me
3. “Can’t put a lid on it” creativity

What types of people do you want to attract into your life (this is so those who like your interview can contact you if they fit your description)? Positive people who are open to Life and celebrate the uniqueness of everyone on the planet.

**If you would like others to contact you, leave your email and any other of your sites you'd like to promote:;

Sometimes I get REALLy behind on my email, but I’d love to hear from you!
If YOU are a happy shiny person who believes in energy healing, has some crystal experiences to relate and wants to be interviewed, please email

Thank you, Pamela! Your positive mind set pays off and inspires!

I Dig Crystals "Happy People Interviews"
Promoting shiny, happy people who believe in their own abundance

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