ALL NEW BLOG since 2016:
Blogging about healing crystals through fashion, art jewelry and chakra balancing. A down-to-earth look at the metaphysical world of Sheila Satin and I Dig Crystals.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
NEWS: Web Chat!

Monday, September 27, 2010
CRYSTALS: Community
QUESTION:Hello dear Ann & Sheila,
I was a member of the Satin ning community. I'm wondering if you have a new community or if you just closed it down. I ask because I see on the site that it says community though I couldn't find a community.
Any help would be appreciated because it was a good community to be part of,
Many Blessings of Love & Light.
ANSWER: Thank you for your email. We unfortunately had to close our ning group down due to their implementing a new fee structure for running the group. Our current community is based in San Francisco, so if you are in the area or do come visit, we welcome you to drop by our events!
Meanwhile, we still have a crystal healing blog where you can keep up with the current crystal happenings and ask any questions you may want answers to at http://sheilasatin.blogspot.com
As always, our online store remains open, as does our email channels, so we are always happy to answer your metaphysical questions!
Sheila Satin
Satin Crystals :: 1718a Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 776-7446
Sunday, September 26, 2010

QUESTION: Hello Sheila, A few nights ago I have an unusual dream. There was a room full of sunlight. My parents were present and I was dipping my hands in bowls. One hand in a bowl of Imperial Aura, and the other in Aqua Aura. Then, a woman led me away, handed me a large piece of crystal, and asked me what it was. I identified it as orange/peach calcite and said, "yes, I have some at home". When I awoke, I realized that I don't actually own calcite.
I guess the details don't really matter, but I thought it strange to dream of those specific crystals. Even more odd is that, consciously, I have never come across any of those crystals before yet was able to identify them in my dream. I only found out through research that I was correct.
I was hoping that you could provide some insight as to what those crystals mean, and what they may symbolize. The only research I have found so far is working with crystals for dream work but not dreams specifically about crystals.
If you have a moment to spare, I would like to know what you think. Thank you!
ANSWER: Hello, dream interpretation is a very individualistic practice. Each dream will mean something different to the dreamer. However, I can guide you in what the crystals mean in your dreams.
Often times dreaming of certain crystals is a call-out from this type of energy for you to start focusing on balancing your life in this specific realm, if not on yourself then someone around you. For example, orange Calcite is one to uplift the emotions, increase your personal confidence, balance the sacral chakra for sexuality, creativity and meaningful relationships. Aqua Aura is a Quartz crytal artificially bonded with gold, giving it its brilliant colors and shine. Aqua Aura unburdens you from limitations you have put on yourself, sheds your baggage and allows room for the new! It encourages communication from the heart. As for Imperial Aura, I am not familiar with this stone. What color was it? Are you thinking of Imperial Quartz? If so, this is a yellow Quartz, also artificially bonded.
Since you have never actually worked with these crystals in this life, it sounds like you have been a crystal healer in the past. You may have been accessing these stored memories of your subconscious, as we do astral travel during our dream process. Our conscious minds fall asleep and our subconscious mind, which is connected to the vast power of universal energy and knowledge is in control!
Sheila Satin
Satin Crystals :: 1718a Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 776-7446
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
NEWS: Satin Crystals HQ
Satin Crystals |
To Register: Please email, call in or visit our store. We are open Tues-Sat from 12-6pm! |
Hello Satin Crystalers!
News! · Due to economic slow down, Satin Crystals will be closed on Sundays starting in October. We are still happily here to serve you from Tues-Sat, 12-6pm or by appointment any other time. · Please support your community by shopping local, and buy from Satin Crystals during this upcoming holiday season! Give the gift of healing stones, jewelry, sessions, and classes to yourself or a loved friend! Gift certificates available. · New arrivals: Third Eye Cabs, Rose Drops, Smoky Quartz Double Terminators, Ulexite Slabs, Turquoise Coins, Turquoise tumbles, Red Coral Tumbles, Kunzite Tumbles. I Dig Crystals Jewelry: Tourmaline Earrings, Apatite Earrings, Angelite Bracelet, Very clear Quartz Bracelets, Labradorite Bracelet, Lepidolite pendant, Custom Pendulums, and more! · Consider joining our October Jewelry making class to make meaningful holiday gifts for friends, family and yourself of course! · Polk Street Blue’s Festival is this weekend. Free to attend!: http://www.polkstreetbluesfestival.com/
Deal$! (valid through Oct. 31, with a printout of this email)
· 10% off Any Cluster priced at $100 or more. · 10% off Dr. Sunny Satin’s book “Incredibly Believable”- 2012 is near! · Take Satin Crystal’s back counter/ work station for $100 OBO!
· Oct. 2nd (Sat) 12-5pm: Jewelry Making Workshop: Beading · Oct. 3rd (Sun) 12-5pm: Jewelry Making Workshop: Wire Wrapping · Oct. 5th (Tues) 6-8pm: Healing Circle by Jim: Angel Divination · Oct. 16-17 (S/S) 12-5pm: Reiki 1 & 2 Certification Course · Oct. 19th (Tues) 6-8pm: Spirit Talk · Oct. 30-31 (S/S) 11-5pm: Crystal Healing Certification Course (New!): Crystal Divination/Reading, Singing Bowls, Sacred Geometry, Skulls, Elixirs.
Our Thursday night meditations are going strong. Treat yourself to some much needed balance and relaxation! 6-7pm Every Thursday, only $5.
Thank you for your continued support. Please help Satin Crystals stay alive by remembering us during the upcoming Holiday Season and by referring our products, classes and healers to your friends!
Sincerely, Satin Crystals Family
Thursday, September 16, 2010
CRYSTALS: Herkimer

QUESTION: Dear Sheila, I want to do a throat chakra layout for someone who has lost her voice. It's suggested that two double terminated quartz crystals be used as part of the layout. Can I substitute two double terminated Herkimer Diamonds or would the affect be different?
Thank you - Blessings.
ANSWER: Thanks for your email. Herkimer Diamonds are actually a form of Quartz, so those will be perfect for your throat layout! Let me know how it turns out!
Sheila Satin
Satin Crystals: 1718A Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 776-7446 http://www.satincrystals.com
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
SESSIONS: Interview
1. Why does your work stand out from others who do what you do?
Despite working with spiritual energy, we are down to earth healers who want to bring balance to our clients.
2. What do you like most about your job?
Being in touch with the magical world beyond the physical realm. Working with crystals helps to fuse the physical world with the energetic and bring great relief for those who are stressed out by every day chaos.
3. What questions do customers most commonly ask you? What's your answer?
The most common question we get from clients is how they will feel during a session and how long it will take for them to feel balanced. Our answer is that it depends on each individual. We are all unique in our vibrations, and each person will go through different shifts during the healing process. There is no set way you will feel, there is no right or wrong. As long as you set your mind towards a positive outcome, you will achieve this state of being.
4. If you were a customer, what do you wish you knew about your trade? Any inside secrets to share?
We never try to heal those who are unwilling to heal. We guide those who are ready for progress. Only those who come to us voluntarily are ready for energy healing. Others will turn to pills for a quick-fix, thus burying the true cause of their illnesses. Our bodies are made up of certain chemicals for self-healing and regulation. Mixing other chemicals into the body messes up this natural state of balance.
5. Do you have a favorite story from your work?
The importance of cleaning your crystals and keeping protected comes to mind. When I first started my crystal healing practice, I saw three clients in a row. In my excitement, I totally forgot about protecting myself, in this case by wearing my Obsidian bracelet to help transmute the client's negative energy to positive, rather than it affecting me. I was sick for three days straight after that. I never forgot to protect myself again!
6. What do you wish customers knew about you or your profession?
Over the years, as our collective consciousness shifts to a higher vibration, many more people are realizing again the importance of living a balanced life. We wish that everyone was able to see the benefits of natural healing and embrace this way of healing rather than resorting to medicines.
7. What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?
Make sure you feel comfortable with your healer. We are happy to answer any questions you may have before you begin any session. If you do feel uncomfortable at any stage of the session, you are always in control.
8. What important information should buyers have before seeking you out?
Clients should wear comfortable clothing, come with an open mind and be ready to relax. Even if they do not know the root cause of their problem, this will be revealed in the session. Consider this an investment to your health; and that is invaluable!
9. How did you decide to get in your line of work?
Our parents first got into the energy healing work and my sister and I followed in their footsteps when we saw how remarkable the earth's energies can be. We were not raised in a metaphysical setting, so we had our doubts and denials, but slowly we were able to reprogram our skepticism to a positive attitude. We are not able to attract that what we want into our lives!
10. What are your most common types of jobs?
We work with all sorts of clients who come in for all sorts of symptoms. From physical pains to fears to test preparation to past life regressions.
11. Do you do any sort of continuing education to stay up on the latest developments in your field?
We are affiliate with the California Hypnosis Institute and we are constantly creating new classes for our healers to learn additional methods of energy healing. We also have guest teachers come in and teach their skills as well.
12. If you have a complicated pricing system for your service, please give all the details here.
We have many sessions available, from crystal healing, reiki, spiritual counseling, intuitive readings, hypnosis, past life regression, life between lives, spiritual hypnosis, chakra cleansing and vibrational healing from a variety of healers. Our rates range from $60-$150/hour depending on the service and healer.
13. If you were advising someone who wanted to get into your profession, what would you suggest?
I would strongly suggest that you first work on yourself. No one wants to see a healer who is not balanced. Just like we wouldn't want to be trained by an overweight physical trainer, we would not want to be healed by someone who relies on the medical world, complaining and with a general bad attitude.
To book a session with one of our healers, visit our store, email or give us a call at 415-776-7446.
CRYSTALS: Lost Ganesh

QUESTION: Hey Sheila, how are you? how have you been?
I lost Ganesh...I m desperate. Is this a bad sign?
Hi, good to hear from you!
I am sorry you lost your Ganesh. There are a few interpretations to what it means when you lose a crystal. Some people say that you no longer need the energy of that particular crystal. However, since you just got this one, it may the other interpretation that it has gone on to someone who needs it even more than you. At other times it is just misplaced and you will find it later, giving you time to ponder over the reasons you needed this crystal in the first place.
Whichever interpretation, you will know which one is right for you. Since we are all different!
If you'd like another Ganesh crystal, let me know and I can mail it to you or any other crystal as well!
Your friend,
Sheila Satin
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Star Rubies show 6-ray stars under direct light. This effect is known as Asterism and is a natural phenomena found in certain crystals! These beautiful Star Ruby ovals hang together to create a masterpiece pendant.
Ruby is the stone of Passion and Wealth- helping you to gain and retain both! It stimulates energy and passion for living. It is also the Leadership stone, inspiring and motivating you to achieve those hidden and not-so-hidden goals! It helps you attracts sexual activity and overcome exhaustion and laziness.
Find Star Rubies at http://www.satincrystals.com
NEWS: Deals & Classes
Satin Crystals |
Hello Satin Crystalers!
News: · Come see our fresh selection of I Dig Crystals original jewelry by Sheila; new items being made and custom orders are being taken! · Spiritually inspired artwork by Mac Balentine is showing at Satin Crystals until mid-October. Take a peak and take a piece! · We have an open schedule in September, so now is a great time to make an appointment with one of our talented Resident Healers. Get a fresh start on Autumn with Crystal Healing, Intuitive Readings, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regressions, and more!
Alert! · Because of a computer crash, we have lost a lot of information from our contact database and were only able to recover these email addresses. If you would like to update your information, please send us your Name, Email, and Phone Number (and anything else we should know!) If you had asked to be removed from our list recently and are still receiving this email due to the crash, please ask again and we will take you off (sorry!) We blame it on Mercury in Retrograde!
· Shop our growing online store and receive 10% off your order during the month of September. Valid only at www.satincrystals.com and with the discount code loyal102 when you register. · $50 off the Spiritual Hypnosis Certification course when you register by 9/5/10
· Sep. 14th (Tues) 6-8pm: Drum Circle · Sep. 21st (Tues) 6-8pm: Spirit Talk · Oct. 2nd (Sat) 12-5pm: Jewelry Making Workshop: Beading · Oct. 3rd (Sun) 12-5pm: Jewelry Making Workshop: Wire Wrapping · Oct. 5th (Tues) 6-8pm: Healing Circle by Jim · Oct. 16-17 (S/S) 12-5pm: Reiki 1 & 2 Certification Course · Oct. 19th (Tues) 6-8pm: Spirit Talk · Oct. 23-24 (S/S) 11-5pm: Spiritual Hypnosis Certification Course · Oct. 30-31 (S/S) 11-5pm: Crystal Healing Certification Course (New!): Crystal Divination/Reading, Singing Bowls, Sacred Geometry, Skulls, Elixirs. · 2011 Hypnotherapy Certification Program: Sign up Now!!!
Our Thursday night meditations are going strong. Treat yourself to some much needed balance and relaxation! 6-7pm Every Thursday, only $5.
Thank you for your continued support. Please help Satin Crystals stay alive by remembering us during the upcoming Holiday Season and by referring our products, classes, and healers to your friends!
Satin Crystals Family
For full schedule of upcoming events: http://www.satincrystals.com

Article from the San Francisco Gate about a wonderful Gem Collection here in San Francisco:
Jack Halpern's rock collection is a gem
Friday, September 3, 2010
CRYSTALS: Concentration
pictured: fluorite cat pendant
QUESTION: Good morning Sheila, I have a couple of questions..I ordered the Fluorite for concentration and relieving stress/nervous energy, specifically around work. So, I was going to put it on my desk at work. There is a lot of sunlight, is this OK? Also, I have a lot of pottery made by myself.. is it OK to use this for a stand? Will the glazes interfere with the crystal energies? Or add more to it?
I ordered the Amethyst because I have not been able to sleep lately and have had weird dreams..I want to place it in my apartment, specifically in my bedroom so that I can look at it before going to sleep. I am also very drawn to the specific ball I chose. Is this an OK place for it? Also, I was thinking of using pottery as a stand again..
I may also order a quartz ball to place in the main room in my apartment. The colors that are released in the sun would be so wonderful to see during the day! Any particular one that you would recommend?
ANSWER: Sunlight is great for crystals to charge up like a battery. However, you may see some color fade. This will not affect the crystal's energy, but if you are concerned with the physical look, just a note!
You can use any stand for the crystal. Your pottery will be great, glaze will not interfere.
Amethyst is excellent for sleeping. Place it as close to your head at night as possible, so a bedstand would be ideal! Some people put smaller pieces under their pillows or under their beds also.
As for Quartz, you are right, the colors and rainbows of this non-colored crystal are brilliant in the sunlight. I would go with the biggest one you can afford! Once you hold those larger Quartz spheres, you can really feel the energy. I especially like the ones that have Rainbow inclusions just because they are brilliant to look at and contain all the colors of the chakras! (if you can't afford the size of Quartz sphere you want, since Quartz is quite pricey, I would suggest Calcite as well, this is a cheaper crystal so you can get a bigger ball, but the brilliance is not the same as Quartz).
Sheila Satin
Satin Crystals: 1718A Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 776-7446 http://www.satincrystals.com