Wednesday, November 26, 2008

CRYSTALS: Smelted Quartz

QUESTION: Do you know anything about smelted clear quartz and what it can be programed for? The combo is melted clear quarts with melted copper. It turns the quartz blue? Thank you! Light and love.
ANSWER: Thanks for your question. The combination of Quartz and Copper is excellent for aligning the meridians. We use Copper wands for this purpose, as you can see above, the copper wand is combined with Quartz at the tip and end and also has Quartz chips within the wand! Copper is an excellent conductor of energy, and Quartz keeps things in the positive healing realm. Together you can align the meridians, which are like the veins of your energy body, feeding the chakras (which are like the organs of your energy body).
Always remember to clean, charge and program your crystals before use!
Sheila Satin

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