Seventh Chakra: Crown Chakra |
The 7th Chakra, or Crown Chakra, naturally forms a pyramid
inside the point of the Chakra pyramid, and is made up of two levels. The
lower, bottom half of the 7th Chakra level represents thoughts that are
oriented toward the physical you—your health, relationships, wealth,
environment, and your possessions. Ultimately, these thoughts are deposited at
the bottom, or base, of the Chakra pyramid where they take root and begin their
journey upward into physical manifestation. How quickly or slowly these
thoughts manifest themselves into physical reality depends largely upon how
balanced or open one’s Chakras are. An open and direct passage through the
Chakras allows thoughts to quickly come into being, while blockages can hamper
or halt the manifestation process.
The second level of the 7th Chakra, extends up to the very
tip of the Chakra pyramid and beyond, and symbolizes one’s ascent to higher
consciousness. This level transcends the physical and enters the realm of pure
thought or pure consciousness.
People with balanced 7th Chakras are deeply connected with
their spiritual side.
An overly stimulated 7th Chakra is evident in those who
insist on being right no matter what, or may manifest in a “holier-than-thou”
personality that is overwhelming and domineering.
People with deficient 7th Chakras may exhibit a need to be
the center of attention or to make themselves indispensable. They may also
become overly isolated and disconnected from others.
To learn which healing crystals can assist with balancing
your 7
th chakra,
click here.
I Dig Crystals