Sunday, September 26, 2010


QUESTION: Hello Sheila, A few nights ago I have an unusual dream. There was a room full of sunlight. My parents were present and I was dipping my hands in bowls. One hand in a bowl of Imperial Aura, and the other in Aqua Aura. Then, a woman led me away, handed me a large piece of crystal, and asked me what it was. I identified it as orange/peach calcite and said, "yes, I have some at home". When I awoke, I realized that I don't actually own calcite.

I guess the details don't really matter, but I thought it strange to dream of those specific crystals. Even more odd is that, consciously, I have never come across any of those crystals before yet was able to identify them in my dream. I only found out through research that I was correct.

I was hoping that you could provide some insight as to what those crystals mean, and what they may symbolize. The only research I have found so far is working with crystals for dream work but not dreams specifically about crystals.

If you have a moment to spare, I would like to know what you think. Thank you!

ANSWER: Hello, dream interpretation is a very individualistic practice. Each dream will mean something different to the dreamer. However, I can guide you in what the crystals mean in your dreams.

Often times dreaming of certain crystals is a call-out from this type of energy for you to start focusing on balancing your life in this specific realm, if not on yourself then someone around you. For example, orange Calcite is one to uplift the emotions, increase your personal confidence, balance the sacral chakra for sexuality, creativity and meaningful relationships. Aqua Aura is a Quartz crytal artificially bonded with gold, giving it its brilliant colors and shine. Aqua Aura unburdens you from limitations you have put on yourself, sheds your baggage and allows room for the new! It encourages communication from the heart. As for Imperial Aura, I am not familiar with this stone. What color was it? Are you thinking of Imperial Quartz? If so, this is a yellow Quartz, also artificially bonded.

Since you have never actually worked with these crystals in this life, it sounds like you have been a crystal healer in the past. You may have been accessing these stored memories of your subconscious, as we do astral travel during our dream process. Our conscious minds fall asleep and our subconscious mind, which is connected to the vast power of universal energy and knowledge is in control!

Sheila Satin

Satin Crystals :: 1718a Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 776-7446


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