Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CRYSTALS: Meditation

QUESTION: I am having a really hard time sitting for meditation.

That's okay, meditation doesn't have to be about sitting still. Personally, I can't meditate that way either.

Meditation is anything that allows your mind to be in the moment - so whatever your hobbies are or anything healthy that you enjoy doing - walking, working out, dancing, yoga, lying down, daydreaming. For me, making jewelry with crystals is a form of meditation.

Even if you can't sit still for meditation, crystals can help your mind to focus on your objective. Some crystals that are useful for meditation are Amethyst, Lapis, Moonstone and Howlite. Of course any healing crystal can be used to program for meditation!

You may also want to try Group Meditation. We have a weekly Crystal Healing Manifestation Group meditation at Satin Crystals which is guided, so that your mind has someone calming voice to follow. If you can't make it to meditations with us, we also sell CD's of the session, just inquire!

Sheila Satin


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