Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CRYSTALS: Independence

QUESTION: I just got out of a long term relationship and I am feeling lost. Can crystals help me?

Hi, crystals can definitely aid you in finding yourself again. You need to fill those voids that your breakup has left you. Positive crystal energy is great. You can place the crystals over your chakras, wear them or hold them when needed. You will regain your individuality and who you were as a person before the relationship and who you are now. Often times we lose ourselves to co-dependencies in relationships and that's how we become soooo off-balance when the relationship ends. Re-train your mind and your thoughts to thinking in "I"...if your mind wanders to feeling sorry for yourself, tell it a positive affirmation instead. I am strong, I am free, I am...whatever words make you feel comfortable. It is similar to training our minds to think positively, to get out of negative, self-defeating thoughts and becoming an optimistic person.

Yellow and orange crystals bring personal strength - like Citrine, Tigers Eye, Carnelian and Golden Calcite. Use these at the Solar Plexus (right above your navel).

Sheila Satin


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