Thursday, February 23, 2012

Crystals to relieve Gas Pains

Fluorite Sodalite Long Necklace to reach stomach

Question: Hi Sheila, Is there a crystal I could give that would help relieve the extreme discomfort pain of gas for a 2 month old ? Burping and Gripe Water, etc. don't relieve it.

Thanks so much.

Answer:  Hi, for pains related to gas, You will want to focus on crystals which aid the digestion system and stomach. These include Fluorite, Citrine and Pyrite. You can also use a chakra plate for the solar plexus for this purpose.

Gas is caused by swallowed air and normal breakdown of undigested foods by harmless bacteria in our colons. Abdominal pain and flatulence are common symptoms of gas, but if the problem persists, you may want to consider Irritated Bowl Syndrome . IBS is caused by an intestinal disorder and you will want to focus on crystals relieving anxiety in this case.

Sheila Satin
