Sunday, June 13, 2010

CRYSTALS: Joint Disease

QUESTION: Dear Sheila, I have been a customer of yours for the past few years. I'm 50 yrs old, slim build and 5'11". Have always been healthy and active. I have recently been diagnosed with a debilitating joint disease called Ankylosing spondylitis (AS), which is a chronic inflammatory disease of the axial skeleton. The name for the disorder is derived from the Greek root "ankylos", which means bent or crooked and "spondylos", which refers to a vertebra. The term "ankylosis" therefore refers to a fibrous or bony bridging of joints.

My symptoms consist of low back pain, buttocks pain, stooped posture, hip pain, knee pain, shoulder pain with limited mobility, and the most irritable symptom, fatigue.

I have many crystals but would like to know which ones you'd recommend.

I've changed my diet and am taking alot of vitamins & minerals. My MD just started me on Cymbalta to help with anxiety, pain and energy. I "hate" taking it and am on my 5th day of which it would take a month to start working. My whole being is saying not to take it, so what do I do, I take it. I'm just leery of "brain altering chemicals" and dont want to lose my "clarity" and sense of self if you know what mean.

Any suggestions you can offer, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you kindly,

Hi, thank you for writing to us. First, let me say that you have the right state of mind in wanting to heal yourself without the chemical pills. Keep faith in those positive thoughts and you will be better in no time. Don't let "diagnosis" dictate your life. You are in control of you own destiny and if you want to live healthy for many years to come, it is up to you to make that happen!

That being said, I can recommend a few different crystals that have worked for other clients of ours. Of course, you may want to experiment and find the ones that will work best for you. LIke crystal healing books, we can guide you, but in the end, each one of us has different wavelenghts and will correspond to different crystals differently.

Lower Back Pain - place large pieces or several tumbled stones of Carnelian in the lower back region while lying down. Bones and Joints - use Mochi Balls (we have had the best results with these for those with bones, arthritis problems) by rubbing the affected areas and/or Malachite over the joints. Fatigue - Labradorite is a very motivational stone, used common in the athletic realm for endurance and Red Jasper for physical energy. Jasper also nurtures you in times of stress and illness. Of course, the Master Healer, Quartz is always effective in amplifying your energies and can be great in giving you strength, energetically and physically.

Please let us know how these crystals work for you! If you need any other advice or general support, we are just an email (or store visit) away!

Sheila Satin

Satin Crystals :: 1718a Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 776-7446


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