Friday, February 12, 2010

CRYSTALS: Parasites

QUESTION: Hi Sheila,Would you check on what would be an ideal gemstone to help clear parasites and infection. This is for a friend of mine who's husband has been dealing with parasites and lung infection of a long time now. He is currently out of the hospital and at home. She is an amazing healer in her own right, however, she's at a loss. Our healing Circle sends her husband distance healing as he's too volatile to be around direclty. He is easily aggitated. She has determined that he has parasites in his brain. Any healing thoughts and energy you could send her way would be appreciated as well.
ANSWER: I would definitely go with green Serpentine. This stone is specifically for detoxifying the body of parasites. If you are dealing with the brain, I would pair Serpentine with Quartz, a great stone for mental balance and enhanciing other crystals. Please let me know if you need help finding either of these. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Sheila Satin
Satin Crystals: 1718A Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 776-7446

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