Thursday, October 15, 2009

ARTICLE: Death & Transition

Death and Transition - Changing Identity of the Ego
by, Christine Bartlett PT, CHT

One of the biggest shifts happening during this time of change in 2009 to 2012 is people experiencing upset around changes in identity related to the Ego. "What is the Ego?" you might ask. "What do you mean by upset?" you may be thinking. The Ego as taught by the Institute of Thought contains three layers, one on top of the other in a pyramid in three sections, largest to smallest at the peak.

The Ego bottom layer consists of parts of yourself you choose before you incarnated: your astrology sign, ethnicity, sex, DNA.

The second layer are the things you develop in your identity as you grow through life: your education, religion, beliefs, societal expectations,career, etc. The last layer, the peak, is called the True Ego. This is your true identity connected to your soul.

Who you are as a person today is an accumulation of all these layers, making up your Ego, your self identity, your idea of who and what you are in the world.

So what is happening to the Ego with the SHIFT?

The time has come for massive death and transition out of old 3 dimensional identities into lighter, clearer more "true" identities of who we are in the 4th dimension.

What does this mean? It means, from now until 2012 your identity will be shifting and changing in order for you to become who you are supposed to be for the World and the Shift. You are becoming who you intended to be in this incarnation. To do this, death and transition of your old self and old way of doing things is necessary. You will find your old way will no longer fit or work anymore.

For most of us, this involves going through physical, mental or emotional loss, pain or shifts in ourselves and in relation to those around us. For many this will be uncomfortable. We may lose jobs, titles, careers, roles or support. We may feel misunderstood or have trouble communicating with those around us, where we had no trouble before. We may feel unrecognized or unappreciated for who we "are" in the ways we think we "should" be, the Ego wanting recognition and things to stay the same, the new Ego and soul pushing for growth and change in everyone and everything!

So what is the best way to handle yourself during the death and transition of your Ego? Part of the Earthquakes predicted for the SHIFT are internal shifts not just external shifts of the Earth. We, as beings, have to be shifted out of our old vibrations into new ones to make this transition happen. As you feel the shaky ground and earthquake happening beneath your feet, the best thing you can do is not try to cling or hold on to anyone or anything that makes you feel secure, (because they are shaking too!) the best thing to do is let go. Let go and take a deep breath and center yourself from within. Ask for guidance to be with you and imagine a beam of light shining down through your head into a column of light in your body, down your center into the ground. Be the LIGHT. This will "ground" you in the new 4th Dimension for that dimension is light. This will awaken you and guide your to your 4D role and new Ego, nothing in the 3D world will do it.

The only way to make it through this transition is to stop looking outside of yourself for feedback, support and validation about your identity and start strengthening and focusing from within. YOU have to become the beam of light in the world that others will be looking to as the World shifts through it's real changes. Is this easy? No. Is it necessary? YES.

We all can do this willingly and gracefully, despite the fear or pain or we can fight it. It is our choice, but the SHIFT is happening.

Respectfully submitted with love and light ~
Christine Bartlett PT, CHT

For more information about the SHIFT or transition of the Ego and how to handle it, Christine is available for consultation at 510-418-1940 or


1 comment:

Rob LightBearer said...

wonderful post, and i agree completely. I have been asked many times "Why am i being Punished?" the truth is that the ego quite often needs a shock, before the true nature gets a look in.
