Tuesday, September 23, 2008

MYSTIC: Owls & Signs

QUESTION: Hi Sheila. Haven't seen you in a while. I've been working a lot. I saw a friend of mine last weekend. She is a toner. When I left her and was driving home on the freeway, an owl, (big and beautiful) came up to my car on the freeway and was at my car window. I could see all the beautiful colored feathers in it's chest. However, I was going about 70 miles per hour and the owl stayed with me on the freeway for about 10 seconds but it seemed like a very long time. The amazing thing is that it was facing me in my window and somehow stayed with me. It wasn't flying like a normal owl would fly. So, what do you think of that? Do you think there was a message here? Love, Light & Laughter

ANSWER: Hi, nice to hear from you again! I believe everything in our lives is a sign. Most of us take them for granted and forget to "read" these signs until something as amazing as your owl experience happpens. Like dreams, these universal life signs can only be interpreted by yourself. Of course, you can seek guidance to interpret these occurences, but ultimately only you know what they mean and how they are significant in your life.

Today, we got word that my grandfather (my mom's father) is in a coma. I asked my mom, "what do you think he's doing in there?" She told me that she believed that he has already left us, perhaps a fragment of some other spirit is remaining in his body. She said when she got the news, her clock read 11:11am. I then told her that last night, driving home, my clock read 11:11pm. "Many channels are open," she noted. Every sign is trying to tell us something....

1 comment:

Lisa Satin said...

I often see repeated digits when i look at the time as well, but the number that comes up most often.. in fact very frequently.. is 9:11