Friday, July 4, 2008

CRYSTALS: Programming Pendulums

QUESTION: Just received 3 gemstones from you today. Does the pendulum need to be asked yes and no each time you use it? Do these gemstones need to be cleared before I use them?

ANSWER: Thanks for your email. The pendulum only needs to be programmed one time per person. You may want to reprogram it if someone else starts to use it. The pendulum does not need to be cleared if you are not using it for healing and just using it for dowsing or checking chakra energies. If you are using it for active healing in which it can aborb negative energies, you should clear it. Clearing it anyway does not hurt either!

For more pendulum instructions, visit:

All of the gemstones you are going to use for healing purposes should be cleaned, charged and programmed to be most effective! If you are unsure, check my website or blog or a crystal healing book for more information on ways to do this.

Sheila Satin

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