Thursday, July 31, 2008

CRYSTALS: Brown Rice

QUESTION: Dear Sheila- I have never heard of using Brown rice to cleanse a crystal. How does it work? What is the theory behind it? I've know of running water and salt water, but the brown rice is a new idea to me and I like the idea, but again what is the basis behind it. I enjoy your site and have recommended it to my friends.

ANSWER: Hi, thanks for your email. I personally prefer to use brown rice because it is readily available and easy to use and to store. As for the theory behind it, I don't know where it came from, but my guess is that it has something to do with the fiber coating that white rice does not have. I am not sure about the theory of salt water either other than its connection to the sea, so brown rice may be a connection to the earth. In a sense it would make sense as I am an Earth person and don't prefer the sea. Pure speculation, but may be reality!

I suggest you experiment with the different methods of cleaning crystals (salt water, sage, tap water, brown rice, sea salt, clusters, etc) to find the method that you prefer. You can also watch the video I have on cleaning crystals at:

Let me know if you have any other thoughts or question on the subject. We are always an email away! Thanks for recommending our site to your friends. It is much appreciated.

Sheila Satin
Crystal Healer

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