Wednesday, July 9, 2008

CRYSTAL: Anxiety & Post-Surgery

QUESTION: I need help with the healing process and the anxiety I am having prior to the surgery. Do you have any suggestions for me as far as my crystals? I thought I was going to have to have a root canal done on my tooth but the fluorite did it's magic, once again!

ANSWER: While surgery would be my last resort for any type of healing, I am happy to suggest any crystals that will aid you :) I'm sure you have thought long and hard on this decision, and that it's the right decision for you :)
For the healing process, I would use Quartz. For anxiety, I would recommend Fluorite again. Fluorite seems to be a very important crystal for you! Fluorite will help to calm the nerves, it's also great for stomach/digestion issues. If you have Fluorite slabs, it's easy to place on this area, easy to hold and rub when you are feeling anxious.

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