Sunday, June 29, 2008

Goddess of Mercy: Kuan Yin

A goddess gaining increasing popularity here in the "western world"is Mother Kwan Yin. "Goddess of Mercy and Compassion," she is also called an Ascended Master. An Ascended Master essentially refers to someone who has learned all their lessons, transmuted their karma, and is not compelled to experience being reborn into a physical body if they do not desire it.

Being one of the "mother" goddesses, Kwan Yin is especially connected to those in need of any kind of help; be they sick, lost, frightened or simply in unfortunate circumstances. She is a great protector and benefactor of the weak, the ill and especially the children and the babies. She responds to the heartfelt needs and anguish of the people of earth regardless of background or belief. Kwan-Yin teaches us to live simply and mindfully, taking good care of our bodies and our thoughts as well as our souls.

Keeping crystal images of her around will allow you to meditate or focus energy when you are in need of the Goddess's aid. Place a statue in your home hang a charm in your car or wear a pendant of the goddess's carving in your aura.

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